Cosonify Pro Subscriptions
Cancelling a subscription
If you purchase a Cosonify Pro Subscription there are three providers. On the website, we offer the subscription purchase via Stripe, on iOS via the App Store and on Android via the Play Store. To cancel or update your subscription navigate to Here you can see which provider you are using and you will find a link to the page that is relevant for you to update or cancel your subscription (in the App Store, Play Store or Stripe). You can cancel your subscription at any time. If you do so, the subscribed features will remain available until the end of the current billing period. After the end of the period, the subscription will not be renewed and there will be no further cost. If you are above the storage limit of the free tier and end your subscription, you will not lose data by ending your subscription – no data will be deleted to reduce your storage consumption down to the new limit. Instead, you will no longer be able to upload new content until you have deleted some content or subscribed to the required tier again. If there are any issues regarding your subscription, feel free to reach out to us at
Trial Periods and Introductory pricing
Cosonify offers a Free Tier which you can use to learn about all features about Cosonify and to get started. As a consequence, we do not offer a free trial of the paid subscriptions. The features of the paid tiers are as follows:
- Unlimited Projects: You can create and join as many projects as you like (as long as the combined storage of all projects does not exceed the storage limit of your subscription tier).
- No Ads: You will not see any ads in the Cosonify App or on the website
- Storage: Depending on your subscription, you will have more storage than the 1 GB granted as part of the free tier. The options are currently: 10GB, 50GB, 100GB, 500GB and 1TB.
Billing Periods
For our subscriptions we offer monthly and annual payment. Payment is due in advance of the billing interval.
Due to pricing restrictions on the Google Play Store, the 500GB and 1TB Tier of Cosonify are not available as annual subscriptions but instead we offer a 6 month subscription.