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The Infoboard

The infoboard serves as an entry point to your project. It provides you with an overview of available features and gives a quick introduction to your team on this project. You can use it to open the collaboration boards, leave a project description or to manage your team.

Infoboard Overview

At the top, you see "Next Hit" - the name of the production you have opened. Below, you can insert any text you like to share information about the project. This could be a deadline, some remarks on the project or information you would like to share with your team.

Next, you see a list of all your collaborators and have the option to invite further users. At the bottom, we provide an overview of the available boards in your project and a brief description to help you navigate where you want to go quickly.

While the other boards (Researchboard, Ideabaord and Taskboard) are built around collaboration, this board is a simple introduction and overview of your project.

Developed with ♥ in Karlsruhe