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Chord Assistant in Cosonify

Welcome to the guide on using the Chord Assistant feature in Cosonify. This tool is designed to help musicians easily find, use, and understand chords within the Cosonify platform.

What is the Chord Assistant?

The Chord Assistant is a feature within Cosonify that provides an extensive library of chords. It is equipped with built-in fingerings for the guitar fretboard, making it a valuable resource for guitarists, songwriters, and composers.

The Chord Assistant

How to Use the Chord Assistant

Accessing the Chord Assistant

  1. Open the Cosonify Whiteboard.
  2. Locate and click on the 'Chord Assistant' icon in the toolbar.

Open the Chord Assistant

Finding and Selecting Chords

  • Browsing the Chord Library: Scroll through the library to find the chord you need.
  • Using Fingerings: Click on a chord to see its fingerings on the guitar fretboard.

Open the Chord Assistant

Adding Chords to Your Project

  1. Select the chord you want to use.
  2. Click on the + Icon to add it to the Canvas.

Open the Chord Assistant

Interacting with Chords on the Whiteboard

Once a chord item is added to the Whiteboard, clicking on it will automatically display the correct chord in the Chord Assistant. This feature allows for easy reference and modification.

Interact with Chord Items

Tips and Tricks

  • Exploring New Chords: Use the Chord Assistant to experiment with new chord progressions.
  • Integrating with Songs: Pair the Chord Assistant with your song drafts to enhance your compositions.

Developed with ♥ in Karlsruhe