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On Cosonify you use projects to wrap your work in managable chunks. Within those projects there are different topics you have to deal with: Organization, creativity, communication etc.

To help you with these challanges, Cosonify provides a constantly evolving range of boards that offer individual support for these topics. Find below a list of the current boards.


Infoboard Overview

When you open a project, you see the Infoboard. This boards primary task is to give you an overview of the project. It references all the other boards, shows who's collaborating on this project and allows you to add new collaborators. Additionally, you can provide a description of the project to let everyone in the team know what the project is about.

Learn more about the Infoboard here.


Whiteboard Overview

The best creative workspace for any musician is the Cosonify Whiteboard. While the controls and looks may remind you of other whiteboarding tools, the Cosonify Whiteboard is built with the needs of musicians in mind and provides features like a full audio sample-library, Spotify integration and an integration for the Cosonify Mindpool.

Learn more about the Whiteboard here.


Taskboard Overview

Keeping track of everything that has to be done before a song is released can be challenging - especially if you're collaborating at multiple projects simultaneously. To tackle this challenge, Cosonify has introduced the Taskboard, a simplified issue tracker that is integrated into the Cosonify platform and provides the essential features so you never forget open tasks again.

Learn more about the Taskboard here.


Ideaboard Overview

Much work on a song centers around a draft or release version. Planning a music video, working on social media content or writing lyrics - everything relates heavily to the music, the latest version of the song. The ideaboard lets you upload a version of your music project and then work on a canvas that is in sync with that song. Not only can all members of the project listen to the song, but it also provides a modern and intuitive, moving canvas that you can use to give feedback, plan lyrics or make other notes about the song.

Learn more about the Ideaboard here.

Developed with ♥ in Karlsruhe