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About Cosonify

Cosonify aims to improve your life and work as a musician. We aim to provide you with the ideal tools for daily situations that can be perceived as frustrating or annoying, like endless feedback loops, searching for files, lost ideas etc.

We determined that there are two core problems:

  1. Collaborating requires communication and communicating about music is difficult.
  2. You can't decide when and where creativity will strike.

To tackle the first problem, we have built a web platform that streamlines communication and provides efficient ways of communication with a focus on audio. You can also use the web platform by yourself - the Whiteboard for example is great to work on your ideas, but it is also a great place to work with your band mates, friends or colleagues. We have written the Getting started guide to get you up and running and to show you how the boards and projects work.

The second problem can be solved by making Cosonify available wherever you are. To do so, we have built the Cosonify mobile app (for Android and iOS) that serves as your mobile assistant and allows you to record and store your ideas wherever and whenever you want. Those ideas can then used on the web platform and you can search and tag them. To learn more about the app, check out this guide.


We aim to build the best product and community possible but cannot do so without feedback. Additionally, we may not have thought of every possible use-case and scenario. This is why we heavily encourage feedback and frequently add freatures that were requested by our community.

There are many channels to give us feedback, for example:

  1. In the web app (on once you are logged in, you will see a "Feedback" button on the top right.
  2. We have a discord community that you can choin and that has channels for "feature ideas" and "bugs and issues". You can join our discord community here: The Cosonify Discord.
  3. If you don't want to use any of thos channels, just send us an email to


We are still a young company and depend on the support of our community. If you would like to support us, consider the following options:

  1. Tell a friend that you like Cosonify. New users are always great for us and because most of what we offer is free, there is no cost to them.
  2. Support our social media channels (like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Youtube) and upvote our product hunt launches (the website and the mobile app).
  3. If you use Cosonify and like it, consider getting a pro subscription. Not only will it allow you to use all features of Cosonify but it will also help us a lot.

Developed with ♥ in Karlsruhe