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Intro June 2 a

We've brought your favorite inspiration and reference songs to Cosonify Whiteboard! Now, you can search millions of songs in the Spotify library and add them directly to the Whiteboard. Create your audio mood board or use them as references to better articulate your thoughts on your own song ideas. Best of all, you can play songs in preview mode right on the Whiteboard.

Last day to join the raffle

Intro June 2 b

Today is the last day to join our raffle on Instagram. Tell your friends about it so no one misses the chance to win a Shure SM7B or a Cosonify Pro subscription. You can find all the details for the raffle in our Instagram post.

More updates:

Lock items

Intro June 2 c

You can now lock any item on the Whiteboard. Once locked, it's protected from accidental moves, scaling, or edits. Unlock it to regain access to these actions.

Mobile multi-select

Intro June 2 d

To multi-select on touch devices, press and hold, then drag to create a selection rectangle.

Developed with ♥ in Karlsruhe